Saturday, August 11, 2012

Dancing Heals

I wrote this earlier in the week and have been dealing with some things since. I have lowered my anxieties and I thought I should put something up,.......

So, I have been having having a lot of problems. I received a letter on Saturday that says that my insurance claim rep. is sending me to a new independent doctor. I am not happy about this only because I have already done this. I feel like they are trying to find someone who will support them, even if it is untrue. I already won my lawsuit and proved that I am not faking anything. Why do they have to make things harder? My anxieties have been going full steam and the thumping in my leg continues to get worse. It is getting to the numb stages where the pain turns into something a little different. It affects my whole body and turns me into a zombie. I can only focus on making the pain stable enough to get through the day and pray that the next is better. I get some of this relief from my chiropractor. The pain will always increase, but he matches it and makes it level out. It never goes completely away, but he moves things and does pressure points on me that help. He also uses laser therapy on the area of the break and ohhhh boy, I love the tingling in my foot at the toes when he does that! I can feel my foot like I used to be able to feel my foot. It is nice. The insurance company didn't like the idea of me going to a chiropractor. They asked me what was the point? The next step of my journey with the doctors after the non-walking cast came off got interesting.
When I got my walking cast I was excited. I could now take off my cast to shave my leg and take a shower!! This is huge for a female, next to wearing heals. The second of which I grow closer to never being able to do again. Look, I know it sounds stupid, but I had great legs before my accident, and loved wearing my heals to show them off. It made me feel good about myself, gave me confidence, and actually helped with my posture. I only wear my heals now when I know I can sit on my butt for the 3 days to a week after I do. When you wear heals you open your “gate” on your ankle. It in turn makes the area inherently weak and more susceptible to wounds. Hence the reason it can be difficult to walk on heals. My gate is closing and will eventually merge the area that used to have a joint and it will no longer be physically possible for me wear them anymore. And it's not just the heals,...dancing, one of God's best ways to release stress is also going to be out, or at least standing and using my legs for dancing. Sitting on a chair dancing doesn't really leave a good impression though.  

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