Wednesday, August 1, 2012

On My Soapbox

I have to take a break from 'The story”, and tell you about today. So about four months ago I received a new claim worker from my insurance company that pays for everything. I always get nervous when this happens because you never know how someone is going to do their job; if they are lazy, a procrastinator, or simply hates their job. Either way for the past year I had a wonderful woman who did her job extraordinarily well. This new guy scares the hell out of me. It has only been a few months, I know, but he does not seem to know what he is doing. It is also hard getting a straight answer out of him. He might even be new, and I have taken that into consideration, but I have done his job and I cannot help but to be picky. I took my own insurance agent position seriously while I was doing it, and can only expect that from my own agent.

 Last week I asked my claim rep. for a solid monthly date that he would be processing my check. I had been on a set schedule and it only failed at the end of that persons term, and wanted to know if I needed to start making phones calls to utility companies due to changes in my pay schedule. He said he would “try” for a certain date. I could really go on and on about how unhappy I am about my new claim person, but I will spare you as much as I can on that. I got my check, all is fine so far. I had also asked him for confirmation of payment to those doctors I am currently seeing and still have not received that information either. Needless to say I am not happy about any of this. Can ya tell? Which leads me to my appointment with my chiropractor today.

 Susan is Doctor Hubbard's wife and she also runs the front office for the practice. Doctor Hubbard is close to retiring and has Doctor Fountain working under him as his apprentice to take over the business when he does. Both are very good at what they do. Dr. Hubbard uses old school as well as new school techniques to adjust patients accordingly. He explains the entire process of how he will be able to help you after doing a full exam of you, and will even decline if he feels he cannot help you. Susan was working today and said that she spoke to my claim rep. and it took fifteen minutes to find out from him what he needed for her to do. All this causes stress for me which activates the R.S.D.. My last rep. understood this and understood it for all her clients, which made her good at her job.

There is a scary circle that I go through with the R.S.D., one thing activates another and so on until I am so wound up all I can do is either sit and not allow myself to say anything or cry. R.S.D. causes anxiety disorder and chronic depression. Well, I was already living with these problems and the R.S.D. makes it all worse,...and that's just the mental part. The pain increases with all this, the anxiety is the worst. Ever feel a hundred spiders under your skin crawling through each nerve from one point of your body to another? I have. It is the feeling of an anxiety attack and mine are heightened so much more because of the R.S.D.. Some days it makes parts of my body numb. Since it comes from my ankle injury, it creeps up my leg behind my knee and when the pain comes on it makes the knee buckle. If I don't have my cane I am screwed. This eventually leads to my hip. By now I am limping, which is already causing problems with my hip, but when I have a real bad day the pain increases not only in levels of 1 – 10, but also levels of the body. 

This brings me back to my point about my insurance rep. and the entire field. Why is it so hard to recognize that the body is a connected piece of machinery? Just like your car, if one part is broke or not working properly the other parts are not going to function to their normal capability and if the problem is not fixed in an appropriate time, the other, now stressed parts will start breaking down faster. Our bodies are the same way. I understand if I were applying for coverage and had a preexisting condition that I was already covered on by another insurance. That part of my body is more likely to have continuing problems and is a high risk. I wouldn't want to cover that either. But an insurance I was already paying into for coverage on my car, and had continued to stay with that company for at least three terms of six months each. My coverage was standard for any auto insurance, and I have proven by the insurance companies own doctors that I am not faking anything. So why do they even question how a chiropractor can help me? Your ankles support your whole body, and can take a lot, but they are still connected to the rest of your body as well.

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