Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Concert Trip

OK, so I already mentioned that I was in a car accident, but I feel the need to explain the beginning as well as how I was before the accident. I think it will better paint a picture of why I am having so many problems, not just physically, but mentally as well.
Before May 24th 2010 I was in full steam. I was a single mother busting her butt every day doing the things that take two people to do. I had a fast-paced full time job as an insurance agent at a financial firm that I had intended on making a career, I owned my house and car, and I took care of it all. I had very little help, but what I did receive was from my sons family. His grandparents and father took care of him while I was at work and they took him every other weekend so I could have time to breathe. At the time of the accident I was in an uncomfortable relationship that was on the rocks, and all I wanted was to go to the concert we had planned for a year to go too. It was a two day concert in Columbus, Ohio and it had a few specific bands I had wanted to see for a very long time. The trip was already paid for and I was not about to give up my well deserved vacation. It was only supposed to be for four days and when we got back I intended on putting all the focus I could into my career and son. If the relationship continued and got better,... great, but I was not going to kill myself if it didn't. That is another long story, but lets just say I was done being used as a door mat. So on to the concert.

Rock on the Range was the concert and I could not wait. I had been making some wrong life decisions and was using the concert as a way to relax and prepare before putting my head down and getting into some serious work. And that is exactly what I did. I have not gone to many concerts and I was getting to see Rob Zombie who is one of my favorite people, he is so creative. I got to crowd surf for the first time, and now last, and got to do some other things I have always wanted. (Being a single mom means you don't get to do much of the things you want too, so every little thing seems more important even in the smallest fractions.) I was out of Michigan, where I am from, away from home, no little man to worry about, so I just let loose as much as I could. For two days straight I walked around a stadium full of people from all walks of life, drinking beer on two of the hottest days of what was the beginning of summer, and at every turn there was a crowd standing around a stage with a live band I have been longing to see play.      

 You see, I was a singer and still am, but I have never been able to get out like my friends and see the bands, so, I was in one instead. So seeing these bands really meant a lot to me. I felt I was surrounded by kindred spirits. I will be honest, I do not remember a lot of the concert now, but I remember the parts I wanted to go for, and that still makes me smile to this day. It makes as a good memory to the beginning of what some days I feel was the beginning of the end of me. On Monday morning we packed everything up and headed for home.
We had just crossed over the point where US-23 turns into OH-15. I had been nodding off in the passenger seat of my ex's Ford full conversion van. I am only 5'4”, so to put my feet up on the dash was just the perfect length for me. I didn't have to scoot down to reach, and I could still stay seat-belted. My flip-flops were off, and I had not been nodding long when I seen this car acting funny up ahead. It was in the cross-over portion of the median and I watched it pull into it's spot in the median, back out again like it was going to head in the opposite direction, almost got run over by a semi before it pulled back into the median, and then pulled out in front of us and just sat there. There were only two lanes on our side of the median, and he was blocking one of them. The ex was a semi driver his self, so I felt that he would do the right thing, but what I thought would have been the right thing is not what happened. As we approached I asked my ex what he planned to do, I was scared, but stayed smart. I looked behind us and only saw one car back in the far distance so I knew he could stop and not cause bigger problems, but he did have a chance to keep going and go around the car, but the ladder would only work if the person in the car did not move. Needless to say, as we started to go around the front of the car, it moved and positioned itself dead center in front of the van. I now know that a full conversion van is a little more then two car doors wide. I watched the whole thing in slow motion and am still haunted by the visions of it. But that is just the beginning of my life with RSD.

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