Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Accident

So, I have been having a lot of pain for the last few days. The humidity around here right now is horrible, and my whole right leg feels like it is going to explode. I had some shopping I had to do today and I had to ask the people at the store to load my cart and car for me. I find this terribly embarrassing due to the fact that I am only 33, and was raised to not need anyone,...”I can do it myself!”. And when the pain kicks in, the very thought of having to go out in public and get “the looks” is enough to make me want to cry in shame. So I haven't really been up for doing anything. But instead of sitting on my butt and watching T.V. and being mad about my life, I had to pull out the laptop and finish telling about the accident. Anything to get my mind off the pain and throbbing and feeling sorry for myself. When I left off, we had tried to go around the car when the car moved...

 My ex tried to swerve back out of the other drivers way, but it was too late. We T-boned the other car off into the ditch on the side of the road. Lucky for us the ditch was not one of those six-foot deep, steep ditches that you might imagine. It had a small area that was steep where the the roads met, but then flattened out. We took out two roads signs, and I will never forget the other drivers windows glass exploding in front of us or the rumble of the tires going over the ground we were ripping up. Well, lets face it, I will never forget any little detail of that day. Outside of the accident I was told there were a few people that watched the whole thing, one of which was a woman who was just rear-ended by the same person in the car we just hit.A couple of others that witnessed the accident were two off duty firefighters as well. These men I am still thankful for because they helped the paramedics lift me out of the van and into the ambulance.
  It wasn't long before the ambulance came which meant that one of these people made a call to 911 while watching the accident unfold. Most people would just watch in awe. I would sincerely love to speak to any of these people and get their version of the accident. I know what happened inside the van, I could only imagine what it looked like from outside it. In all honesty I would have probably been like, “whoa,....oh my goodness, is everyone OK?”, and as soon as finding out everyone was alive and OK with only a few bones broke, “that was so cool!” But you always have a different perspective when it actually happens to you. Even in my opinion the pictures look cool because you can tell that the impact was so hard and sudden that the front bumper of the van was lodged into the side of the car when they pried the van off it. 
  The bumper itself was in the place where the middle console of the car was. The passenger side windows had exploded, like I mentioned earlier, and when they did they sent shards of glass into the driver who was now bleeding from many wholes all over the side of his face and body. I don't know how bad the drivers condition was, but he lived, and I was only told that he had no medical problems and had a negative intoxication screen. At the moment of the accident, by what I had watched from inside the van, it looked like the driver was trying to commit suicide, and I was extremely angry that someone that didn't know a thing about us was going to try to use us to end their own life and didn't care enough to even think that he might take us out with him. I have had people in my life who are no longer with us today because of suicide, but they only wanted to hurt themselves, not others, and I have done a lot of research on suicide and understand it to a degree, but could not believe that one of those types of situations was possibly happening to me. Needless to say, I was very angry. I have copies of the police report and compared to what it looked like in the drawing they did as a scaled down visual, it was nothing like the drama that was going on inside the van when it was approaching the car.

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